Facebook rolls out their new Subscribe button(AFP RelaxNews)

Stalkers, rejoice! Facebook's latest feature, the 'Subscribe' button, gives you the ability to share information with people, even if you are not friends. So in other words, your privacy is screwed!

Set to be rolled out by next week, the new feature enables you see all updates, most updates (the amount you'd normally see) or just the important updates from your existing friends, in addition to letting you view specific types of updates (photos, life events, status updates, or games) posted by your friends.

The Subscribe button can also be used like Twitter's "Follow" button or Google+'s "Add to circles" button in that you can now subscribe to updates from interesting people that you're not currently friends with.
Subscribing to their profile will put their public updates in your News Feed.

In a way, the new feature gives avid Facebook users more control over their News Feed but of course, not many are fans of the Subscribe button. Especially if you're a hot chick.

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